Grazing Education and Mentorship for Pennsylvania

Research is key to improving any methods of conservation for the future. In addition to education and mentorship on existing methods of grazing management, PAGLC is assisting in finding new methods of management for the future.


Screen Shot 2015-03-10 at 8.17.58 AMNortheast SARE Grant:

“Advancing on-farm understanding and application of silvopasture technologies in Pennsylvania.”

PAGLC has focused, for the last few years, on a research project funded through a Northeast Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (NESARE) grant. This project is developing case studies on two Pennsylvania farm demonstration sites highlighting technical considerations when establishing and implementing silvopasture in both an open pasture situation and a forest ecosystem. Silvopasturing is an opportunity to integrate wooded areas within the overall farm operation, resulting in greater incentive for good stewardship through more deliberate and efficient land use.

Management is the key to the success of silvopasture areas, but producers currently lack the information and decision support tools needed to implement the practices in the most effective manner possible. This project addresses knowledge gaps regarding management of forest and grazing lands together to achieve a level of farm diversification, therefore investing in the future of the farm.

View Grant Reports and Overviews

Project Fact Sheet Summary


USDA Agricultural Research Service (ARS):

One of PAGLC’s partners is the USDA Ag Research Service (ARS). The mission of the Northeast Area (NEA) of ARS is “to conduct innovative, fundamental and applied scientific research to develop and transfer solutions that address agricultural and human health problems of high national priority.” These problem areas include a plentiful supply of healthful food, protecting natural resources and the environment, providing innovative technology, and assuring a competitive position of American agriculture in the global economy. PAGLC partners with the ARS-Pasture Lab for projects such as the NESARE grant, and ARS is an important advisor to our board.

ARS-Pasture Lab Website

ARS Contact for PAGLC:

Kathy Soder, ARS Pasture Lab