Matt is the third generation to operate Blue Mountain View Farm. A 150 acre dairy in Annville, Lebanon County. In 2000, Matt’s father began grazing and in 2005 when Matt returned to the farm, he expanded the herd and grazing acres from 30 acres and 60 cows to 105 acres and 90 cows.
Matt and his wife bought the farm in 2012 and in 2018 the farm completed the 3 year transition to certified organic production. The dairy herd is fed a mixed ration using forage and grains to help supplement pasture.
Matt is very passionate about grazing and the way it benefits farm finances, family lifestyle and the environment. He has been involved in several speaking engagements, conducted various webinars, been the subject of several videos, written blog posts, and has planned and/or hosted countless pasture walks and fields days all in the name of helping to educate others and show the value of grazing. In addition to being a board member of GLC, he also leads the Lebanon County Grazing Network.
Matt’s hobbies and interests include involving his three children in the farm, hunting, fishing, and cooking. Matt’s family raises 100% of their own meat including pastured hens, broilers, beef and the occasional pig. They also maintain a vegetable garden where Matt experiments with cover crops including buckwheat, sun hemp, cow peas and brassica mixes.
Matt welcomes questions from folks regarding confinement to grazing transitions, transitioning to organic, grazing dairy genetics, dairy financials, high milk production grazing, record keeping and data analyzing, and cover cropping. He can be reached at
Thanks for all you do Matt!